Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Parish Seder celebrations was a joy once again

I attended my parish's Seder celebration once again this year and it was a joy to be there. For those who don't know, a Seder is the celebration of Jewish Passover, the re-living of the story of Moses saving the Israelites from Egypt. Our parish combines the traditional Jewish Seder, prayers and food, with the rich symbolism of Jesus in the Passover and as the Lamb of God. It is well done and a good way to start off Holy Week - it is done on Monday of Holy Week, probably due to the Seder being celebrated on the 1st day of the seven day feast - the last day being Easter. The Eucharist was first given at a Passover meal so it is only fitting that Catholics learn about Passover so they can learn more about the Eucharist and about Jesus' sacrifice for us. I would recommend that all Catholic Parishes start a Seder celebration during Lent. Here is a link to information on Seder from a Jewish perspective:


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