Saturday, December 17, 2005

XLT - Adoration for the younger set

I went to XLT for the first time a few weeks ago and I have to say that I was very impressed even if we were in the Church Hall and not the Church because of a school concert. XLT is basically a mixture of praise and worship and eucharistic adoration. It seems to be broken up into 3 parts, 1st part is praise and worship, 2nd part is a teaching and 3rd part is the adoration. However, what makes the adoration different is that after the normal adoration songs/chants, the Eucharist is adored while worship music is played softly, so you can either sing the worship music or pray your own prayers. The eucharist is then put back away and then the evening ends with praise songs. It was a blessed moment and I enjoyed it. The teens in attendance also seem to like it which is the whole point of it. I hope to be able to go again soon.


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