Sunday Mass meditation for Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary time, 7/24/05
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Here is the mediation for this Sunday's readings:
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Mass Readings:
1 Kings 3:5-12
Ps 119:72-77.127- 130
Rom 8:28-30
Matt 13:44-52
"The kingdom of God is like a buried treasure which a man found in a field... Or, again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant's search for fine pearls." In the parables of the Treasure in the Field and the Pearl of Great Price, Jesus calls us to recognize and embrace God's reign over our lives as the most precious good we could ever seek for ourselves. This grace can come to us as something utterly unexpected-like the man who found the treasure in his field. Or, this grace can come to us as something that we have deeply desired and sought-like the merchant who was constantly on the look for the most precious pearl. However God's grace finds us, we are called to make whatever sacrifices are needed in order that God may be our sole treasure.
How can each of us embrace "the pearl of great price" in our own lives? For each Christian, the response will vary. We need to consider our state in life and our responsibilities in our family (husband, wife, children) or to other groups or people. The prayer of Solomon in 1 Kings 3:5-12 is a good example to consider. Solomon was king of Israel. How was he to line up his whole life under God's authority? What should he ask of the Lord? Solomon recognized his immaturity and need for wisdom. He did not ask the Lord "for a long life, nor for riches, nor for the life of
his enemies, but for understanding," so that he might know right from wrong and guide the people the Lord had entrusted to him. The Lord was pleased with Solomon's request. It was obviously the prayer of a man who recognized the responsibilities of the position God had entrusted to him. It was the prayer of a man who earnestly desired that God's will be the measure for himself and all the people.
Another way to consider how we can embrace the pearl of great price is to ask ourselves what we are holding back from God. Is there any part of our life where we act independently of God, without seeking His guidance or authority? Do we think that our work, or our hobbies, or our home, or our vacation plans are outside the scope of God's order? Think for instance, about your vacation. Did not God Himself command us to take times of rest? Is He not interested in restoring and refreshing us after a long year of work and family activities? What would our vacations be like if we asked the Lord to guide us in our choices and plans?
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