Monday, July 04, 2005

Beautiful Catholic Wedding

I went to a beautiful Catholic Wedding Mass over the weekend, it was full of great readings, a superb homily, a truly blessed wedding ceremony, great music (same man that played at my wedding :) and of course, the Eucharist. The priest that said the Mass and witnessed the wedding was a friend of the bride, so right there, you knew that he was going to put his heart and soul into the ceremony which he did, but also the reverence for the Catholic Mass that the two getting married had was very touching. I love going to Wedding Masses as they combine two great events, a wedding and the Mass. Sounds simple, but I believe that it is a blessing from God to be able to incorporate both into one Mass. The two people that got married are from my charismatic prayer group so a little bit of the charismatic praise and worship were brought into the Mass also. Even the reception had quite a few Christian surprises like a very nice good blessing by the Mass priest and a few Christian songs done as special remembrances of people. Unfortunately, I don't see any Catholic Wedding Masses in my future as I am getting to that age where all my friends who wanted to get married are and those that didn't get married probably are not going to get married. Well, God works in mysterious ways so who knows what he has in store. *


At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


My son is getting married in October and we are all looking forward to a beautiful ceremony. I am trying to help them pick the readings now, any suggestions?


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