Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Went on Cursillo last weekend - it was great

I went on a Cursillo last weekend and it was great. I highly recommend a Cursillo weekend for any Catholic, it is a great time to energize your faith and your personal walk with Christ. If you don't know of anyone that has taken a Cursillo that can sponsor you, please contact your parish office, they would probably know of someone that can talk to you about Cursillo, which means Short Course in Spanish - it is a short course in Christ with some great talks about following Christ and living your faith. Here is the Cursillo web site for those interested in more information:
Cursillo is especially great for people that want an introduction to Christianity or that are seeking a spiritual path for themselves because the talks are easy to understand and are personal witnesses from other men that were in the same position when they went to their Cursillo weekend.


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