New data shows abortions down during Bush presidency
I have seen numerous articles and letters saying that abortions were increasing in the Bush presidency and was wondering about that. But I just received an email from, a non-partisan group that researches claims made by both political parties, that says that abortions are really decreasing during Bush's time in office. The increasing claim was made by a "supposedly pro-life" Christian that works for a progressive Christian web site, but it was based on faulty counting principles. Here is the web page link to the web page
As an aside, I have been reading up on this judicial filibuster fiasco, and I think the compromise was the best a pro-lifer can ask for at this moment as it looked like the liberal Republicans were not going to vote for the removal of the filibuster for the judiciary, so to get at least 3 great judges to be confirmed is a step in the right direction. We will see when it comes time to add a new person to Supreme Court, what happens then. hopefully by then, these liberal Republicans will no longer be part of the Senate :)
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