Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy New Year and Narnia in the News

My holiday season was very nice except for all the rain. My church celebrated its 100 year anniversary in style at a local conference center (used to be a victorian mansion) with a big New Year's eve bash (our parish feast day is near New Year's Day). It was a great bash and seeing the old pictures of the church was really fun. The 12 days of Christmas were very nice, I had to work most of the days but it was quiet at work so it was pleasant. Epipany is a great day and I wish that everyone in this country can see the beautiful of this day, Jesus bringing the faith and the Church to everyone in the whole world and he isn't even a toddler yet!!! The wise men were drawn by his star of brightness, May we also be drawn to Jesus' light and give him worship and praise.

I saw the movie, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, with my daughter and it is an excellent movie. The special effects were done very nicely and the beauty of Narnia came shining through. I read the book right before we went - it wasn't until later that I realized the movie changed some stuff from the book especially the chase scene and the waterfall. But the general theme is still there - especially the Christian themes in the book. While thinking about the movie, the only concern that came to me was that it includes a big battle and all the main characters are fighting the war (except the girls) - I realize war and battle are old time Christian themes, but I hesitate to say that Christians need to be in a real war - we need to learn to live in peace with everyone. So I figured that the movie was dramatizing our battle against evil and just portrayed that as a war battle.


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