Sunday, April 09, 2006

Local seminarians

I have gotten news that a news item on CBS News at 5:30 pm (Pacific time) on Tuesday will be about the number of Asian seminarians in Catholic seminaries especially out here in the west. Our diocese uses St. Patrick's at Menlo Park and I have met some of these Asian seminarians and they seem to be good men that have a great love for Jesus and the Church. CBS is probably doing this news item for two reasons, 1) the San Jose Mercury News had a great article about Asian seminarians a few weeks ago. Here is the article reprinted in another newspaper (the Mercury News is part of Knight Ridder, which owns for now a number of papers across the country - they have sold all the papers but that hasn't been finalized yet):
San Jose Mercury News article
2) it is the start of holy week - the time of the year when the News Media remembers there are tons of Christians and they put out all their Christian articles during this week ( check out the magazine racks and see Jesus this week but never on any other week).

So check out CBS news to see if they do a good job with this - I hear they interviewed Fr. Mark Catalana - the vocations director of the San Jose Diocese and a great priest. Let us all pray that this news item may kindle a desire in good men to become priests, especially Asians and other minorities (who are quickly becoming majorities in the US and the Catholic Church).

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