Monday, June 26, 2006

Twins ordained priests on the same day

I surprisingly met the author of the Sacramento new priest article (see last post) at a friend's child birthday party (the child is her goddaughter so it shouldn't have been a big surprise, but they have moved away to Sacramento so I wasn't expecting her). While we were talking about her article, she mentioned an even greater story that she heard from one of the priests she interviewed. He was in the seminary in Rome with a man who had a twin and both twins were going to be ordained on June 24th in the diocese of Erie, PA. Another amazing part of the story is they are the last in their family to be born, out of 13 children. The mother was criticized for having more children after number 11, but look what happen, the two late twins become devoted to God and the Church.
Here is the article with more details on this amazing story:
Twins ordination

Unfortunately this story isn't archived yet so it is only on their current issue web page so sometime in July it may go away, I hope to be able to find it in archive and update the web link.


At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is so cool!

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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