My daughter's bible play performances were a hit!
My oldest daughter has just finished her latest acting performances. Our parish put on a bible adventures musical performance over the weekend and my daughter was in all 3 short plays. The 3 plays were "The bible in 15 minutes", "two by two" (story of Noah), and "Moses and his journey to the promised land". All 3 were done very well especially the first one which is narrated by two performers and mimed by 4 performers - who act as bible characters from Adam and Eve to John the Evangelist and many others in between. It is done by Melinda Cousins, you can google her and find the play - it is online. Our church is blessed to have a retired musical director who has been willing the last 4 years to spend numerous hours for 4 months getting the kids prepared for a big musical performance - the last two plays were Narnia the Musical and Godspell Jr. The bible plays were great because they reminded us of all the bible characters and their role in God's plan for us - whether it was showing the build up to Jesus in the Bible in 15 Minutes or the rainbow promise in "Two by Two" or the passover story of Moses that prefigures Jesus and his sacrifice for us so we can get to the Promised Land - Heaven. We are in the middle of Lent and it is good to focus on the sacrifices of Jesus for us, so we can sacrifice (not for Jesus, but for others so we can be like Jesus).
I was and am very proud of my daughter and her performance. I am amazed at her talent in drama since I am very shy and would have a hard time doing that (would get too nervous, I am a ham and that is probably what my daughter has picked up, but I do that in small crowds). I remember trying to act in school and I either messed up the timing of my lines or got too frustrated with criticism from the director. We each have our talents and strengths and we need to find them and use them for the greater glory of God. I did help quite a bit behind the scenes for the show so I feel I was a help in that regard.
God bless you all this Lenten season and the upcoming Easter season. I would encourage all of you to participate in any lenten activities in your parish - even if you don't want to, a little sacrifice won't hurt you and your attendance will definitely encourage the people running these activities. Our parish dropped our Friday Lenten soup suppers because the attendance was bad and I am sad about that, it was a good sacrifice to have soup instead of a big meal and to do it with others.
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