The rich man's Gospel reading seen in a new light
At the prayer meeting I went to last week ( oct. 15th) - we were contemplating the Gospel reading of the day, the one where the rich man came to Jesus and said he followed all the commandments but still wanted to know what else he should do - and Jesus told him to sell all his possessions and follow him. We got some revelations at that prayer meeting that what Jesus was really asking the man was to empty himself of all his cares and struggles and "idols" (since the man went away sad because of his many possessions, we can say that he was caught up in materialism and was filled with the need to have stuff and use stuff), it wasn't really riches that were the problem, it was the fact that his riches were crowding out God. So Jesus asked him to remove the riches that were crowding out God and follow Jesus, who would fill his heart with love of God, not love of riches. We all need to examine ourselves and see what crowds Jesus out of our lives, is it materialism, is it lust, fame, power, hatred, anger, jealousy or bitterness?? We need to ask Jesus to forgive us for crowding him out and ask him back into our hearts, to live for Jesus not for other reasons. We can live out the commandments but if our minds and hearts are on other things other than Jesus, we are not living a Christian life and we are not receiving the gifts that Jesus can give us.
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