Monday, October 23, 2006

Went to a great Catholic play last night, Viva Cristo Rey

I went to see a Catholic play last night, Viva Cristo Rey, the Story of Fr. Miguel Pro. It was very good - it shows the bravery of not only Blessed Miguel Pro during the Mexican period of Anti-Catholic persecution of the early 20th Century but also the bravery of his relatives and all the Catholic lay people that helped hid the priests and keep the Catholic faith alive in Mexico during this terrible time. The group putting this play on is called Quo Vadis and they have done numerous plays on not so famous saints and Catholic heroes such as Pearl of York, St. Margaret of Castello and others.
Here is a link to the play's web page - Viva Cristo Rey
I saw the last performance of the play ( it was only shown 11 times over 3 weekends). The play focused on Fr. Miguel's time in Mexico right before he was killed by the firing squad for being a Catholic priest in a country where religious worship was illegal. Blessed Miguel Pro is a favorite of Northern California also because he lived in Los Gatos, California (near San Jose ) for a short time because of the Mexican persecution.
Blessed Miguel Pro needs only one more miracle to help him be canonized a Catholic Saint. We can all pray for that.

Here is another great web site that has numerous references to Blessed Miguel Pro:
Blessed Miguel Pro's home page


At 2:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting that you saw a great Catholic play. I'm glad and I wish I could say the same.
As an author and playwright whose plays have won a few awards, I find it virtually impossible to have a play with a Catholic view produced, particularly in Catholic schools or colleges. I'm written a couple -- enough to find that it is useless.
I did recently have a play about St. Francis publised. But that was by a Bitish publisher.
There is no encouragemnt for a Cathoic to write plays. I'm speaking as a produce of Catholic shools from grae school though college.
Joseph P. Ritz

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Eric Bateman said...

The group I think was started with a playwright who has written most of the plays that the group has performed - probably for the same reason you state, that it is hard to get a Catholic play produced or published. I pray that God may continue to bless your work and that people will soon see your plays performed aroound the world. I do wish EWTN would be more encouraging toward showing Catholic theater, I know they do show Catholic Movies sometimes, but I am not sure if I have ever seen a Catholic play on that TV channel.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog by googling "catholic play". I was just wondering if you have any resources for other solid Catholic plays? I have a friend who is trying to find some good scripts but it's nearly imposible. Thank you so much,
Trish Koning

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Kathleen said...

Hi all!

I'm an undergraduate playwriting student, and a practicing Catholic-- I'd be interested if you have any advice/ resources to send my way!

Go in peace,


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