Monday, June 27, 2005

Cathechism's Compendium coming out soon

The compendium of the Catholic Catechism is coming out soon. I hear it is much shorter than the Catechism, only around 70 pages in a dialogue manner of writing. Should be really good to show to friends and family that are either not Catholic or very marginally Catholic and don't want to look at the whole Catechism, Here's the link to the news from EWTN:

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pope news

The Pope has done several things this week that merits attention. First is his exhortation to parents to teach their children about the Sunday Mass and make the Mass a joyful need. It should be the parents' primary role to teach their children about the Sunday Mass in a loving and nurturing way. The parent's love for the eucharist needs to shine brightly and not hidden under a lamp. Her is the link:
Pope's news

Also, Did you hear about the story of the Pope talking to the ill nun on a cell phone? I love this story and wanted to share it with you all. Pope Benedict XVI shows his love for others in this touching story of him reaching out to all. Here are some pictures of this story:
Pope and the cell phone

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Catholic Young Adults walking for Life

50 Young Adults are walking this summer to share the Pro-Life message to the United States. 3 groups are walking part of the country to stand up for Life and for the dignity of all people. I think this is a great idea, I will have to watch Life on the Rock for updates this summer, I hope they make this into a series like Onward Pilgrims, I would love seeing that, Real "Reality TV" :)

EWTN link to the article here

Monday, June 06, 2005

New priests are breath of fresh air

I attended the first Mass of a new priest in the Diocese of San Jose at my parish because my family befriended this priest when he was a seminarian at our parish a few years ago. It was a moving experience for me as I am sure I saw Christ's love while watching this priest say his first Mass. Knowing that this was the first time that he was using his priestly vocation at Mass, being a shepherd during the Liturgy of the Word and then being the one to turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus for the first time, it was truly a special event in the Catholic Church. My Diocese ordained 5 new priests on Saturday and I am happy that we got so many new priests, I got to know 3 of these men because 2 were at my parish and the third because of my time with him during a seminarian dinner my parish hosted. I know these 3 men are ready to serve the Church, to be shepherds for the people and to share God's love with all they meet. May God bless these new priests and may he continue to touch their hearts so they can minister to the Church as Christ would minister to the Church. I am optimistic of the Church's future and for the return of priestly vocations, although I don't think we may ever have as many as before unless we get a shift in the number of children that are born in the world.

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