Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pope meets with first communicants

I read this story about the Pope meeting with first communicants and I thought it was great, I loved the questions the kids had for the Pope. What a thing to have as a kid, an audience with the Pope due to your first communion.
Here is the web page: Pope with first communicants

ethnic diversity event at my Church was a blast

We had an ethnic diversity Mass and event ( with ethnic food and dancing ) this month and I think it went great, a little crowded but that is the hazard of doing a great job in promotion :) I jokingly asked if there were going to be any European ethnicities represented and got it thrown into my face when I was asked to head up one of my European ethnicities ( I am English, German, Polish and Irish) and I wanted Irish but was already taken so I took Polish. It was nice digging into my polish heritage that I hadn't given much thought to in a long time. I found two other people of polish heritage and we presented some traditional polish foods like kielbasa, pierogis, and chrushiki. The Mass was nice with a lot of influence from the African cultures (we have a big population of Nigerians that go to our church). The event afterwards had a lot of food,
filipino, vietnamese, african, mexican and italian were big in the food category. The dances were nice also. We hope to make this an annual event, maybe I can rotate my heritage and work on each of my ethnicities.

Turned 40 this month - just seems weird to be this old.

I turned 40 this month and although I realize that 40 isn't that old nowadays, it still is a shock to me to be that old. It feels like only yesterday that I was in my late 20s, but now I am middle aged and unfortunately look the part. But I have a loving family and a great Church community to support me and that is all I need to continue on and live the life that God has called for me.

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